Contract Airline Services

"We are the protagonists of our stories called life, and there is no limit to how high we can fly."

PHD. MBA. MHS. Type rated on A350, A330, B777, B747-400, B747-200, B757, B767, B737, B727. International Airline Pilot / Author / Speaker. Dedicated to giving the gift of wings to anyone following their dreams. Supporting Aviation Safety through training, writing, and inspiration. Fighting for Aviation Safety and Airline Employee Advocacy. Safety Culture and SMS change agent.

Monday, May 22, 2017

What Is FAA Hiding from the Public?

 And Why?

Every Monday the Eastern Airlines Crew hosts a live broadcast announcing "Breaking News" and then opens a discussion with an interesting aviation conversation. If you want to keep apprised of what is happening in the industry, this is the place to be. Then discussion continues to a topic of fascination.

This Monday will be about: 

What is the FAA hiding and why? 

Take a moment to read something interesting. A picture is worth a thousand words. Check this out on: Aviation Impact Reform, May 16, 2017 posting.  You will see the extent of what happens. But why? We would love listeners to join this talk, and share with your stories. The microphone opens up at the end of the talk for your comments and questions and they are appreciated.

Join your Eastern Airlines Crew 
on the EAL Radio Show 
Episode 319 

Monday May 22, 2017

7 pm EDT

I have an fascinating story that is in alignment with this topic, and I hope to make the show. However, this week I'll be babysitting, so my presence will be determined by the kiddo's schedule. If I make it, you'll hear how real life events work into my novels as plot points, and one in particular is in alignment with this topic and going into my next novel, Flight For Justice. 

Call 213-816-1611 

Where you can either listen or talk.
Or log on to listen at

 Captain Neal Holland  ♦ Jim Hart 
*Captain Steve Thompson *Chuck Allbright Linda Fuller
*Captain George Jehn*Dorothy Gagnon*Don Gagnon
Will be your hosts!

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 

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